Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Now someone's been bitten by the sequel bug. sequel's hardly work but my fetish for sequels is the driving force behind this blog.

SANDEEP(THE HOST): the shows been a big hit, we have been getting calls from people demanding an extended version. so hope we did not trouble you much?

SANDEEP( THE GUEST): anytime brother

SANDEEP( THE HOST): last time around i have missed out on some things. i am gonna make up for it now.

SANDEEP( G): carry on.

SANDEEP( H): here comes the first one.

SANDEEP( H): best quote you have ever come across?

SANDEEP( G): I'm an old-fashioned guy . . . I want to be an old man with a beer belly sitting on a porch, looking at a lake or something.

SANDEEP( H): who said that?

SANDEEP( G): ashok gorrepati.

SANDEEP( H): that guy heard he's your brother. now you have any of your own.

SANDEEP( G): shitman i have to think of one and to think of one i need a cigarette and you are gonna give me one.

SANDEEP( H): ( hands out a gold flake king) here you go.

SANDEEP( G): who's gonna light it my dad?

SANDEEP( H): sorry mate there's a match box on the desk behind you.

SANDEEP( G): okie got one it goes like this " anything i have done uptill 21, oct 2009. was an illusion existing without living. the birth of my blogspot gave me life".

SANDEEP( H): you have got a blogspot? interesting man. if you have got a blogspot then everyone else would have got one.

SANDEEP( H): if given a chance to choose an original sound track of your life what would you choose?

SANDEEP( G): nobodies by marilyn manson.

SANDEEP (h): the woman you would like to sleep with?

SANDEEP (h): namitha and ramba.

SANDEEP (h): both of them have got one thing in common.

SANDEEP (G): you got it.

SANDEEP (h): describe your life in one line?

SANDEEP (G): my life is a copy of copy of copy........

SANDEEP( H): three thing's you cant live without?

SANDEEP (g): shit man didn't expect this from you every other shit head interviewer would ask this shit.

SANDEEP (H): do not underestimate the unpredictability of shit. some times shit smells better than an expensive perfume.

SANDEEP (g): okay cigarettes( atleast till i get myself out of this shit hole), porn( it releives me from stress), and ashok ( go read my 4 blog) if you need an explanation.

SANDEEP (H): any regrets?

SANDEEP (G): a whole lot of them and aditya the infamous chai ghar incident is one of them. but as things are even now i dont regret it anymore.

SANDEEP (h): Given a chance to transform yourself who would you like to transform yourself into?

SANDEEP (g): YASH CHOPRA and would kill myself to save this world from the shit he's been producing .

SANDEEP (h): The person you would like to live like? and one thing if your answer is something close to " myself" or any other shit like that get up and fuck off.

SANDEEP (g): Now that was rude. jeff bridges in "the big lebowski".....the dude abides.

SANDEEP (h): heard you admire amitabh. is there any dream role you would would like to see him in?

SANDEEP (g): i've written a script keeping amitabh in mind and the movie is called " watchman" amitabh plays the role of an apartment watchman who brings joy into the gloomy lives of the residents.

SANDEEP (h): The future of indian cinema lies in the hands of? name any 5

3. NAGESH KUKUNOOR. ( a request to all the producers " if this guy comes to you with a script that requires a heavy budget please ask him to go fuck himself. now if you lend a deaf ear to this then i am sure that you would end up fucking yourself).
4. balaji sakthivel ( the guy who made kaadal and kallori)>
5. jai simha ( THE FIVE MINUTES would clear all your doubts).

SANDEEP(h): thanks man. hope you dont mind coming here again.

SANDEEP (g): fuck off.

SANDEEP (h): Now, that was rude.


  1. The upper part is very familiar to me and seemed like a daily serial showing the same thing in all episodes..!( cigar, and the lines picked up from our fav movies) so i felt it very usual..
    Right from REGRETS its simply Hilarious.
    Your take on Aditya ha ha ha awesome cant stop laughing..!!
    And man why do u give me the honor of life time..!
    1 among 5 its of course far more than i deserve..
    thanks a ton having so much faith in me.
    Lov u bro

  2. How did i forget this..!
    Ashok's Quote was like
    "Line for Life"

  3. shit ashok would have done better. it was my creation.

  4. lol over rated jai simha!!....entertaining post though..keep it up!

  5. perfect sequel..none of the magic of the first post though traces left..i like that yash chopra part..and id like to comment on that director's list..anurag kashyap, vishal bharadwaj, aamir khan, ashutosh gowarikar, rituparno ghosh..and definetely the guy who changed bolylwood, ronnie screwwala!

  6. Dude, Francis Ford Coppola would be proud of you.. :)
    Sequel worth reading again and again!

  7. completely forgot ronnie but the fact that he has produced duds like aage se left, whats your raashi etc etc would pull him back from the list

  8. as for you vaibhav your comments raise my spirit keep reading and boss please write often its been ages since you have updated your blog

  9. Dude.. Check the blog now.. updated it.. I'm in my final year and i have lots of other issues to contend other than updating my blog so cant do it as frequently as i want to.. :(

  10. okie got it boss but having read your pieces i see a tremendrous potential...maybe i am not eligible to tell you that but you have got one faithfull reader in me.

  11. dude u missed out madhur bhandarkar...


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